Sunday, April 10, 2011


And the Zack-attack is going to be 6! For those of you who know him, what to get him is not all that difficult... LEGOS! But finding ones he doesn't have may be tougher. He's got a wish list full of them, but he'd be thrilled with a LEGO store gift card that he could use for some of the more expensive items as well. He also likes Ratchet and Clank, Sony PSP, Scooby-Doo, and Playmobil.


Wow, Zoë is going to be 5. Where does the time go? How can my baby be starting Kindergarten this coming school year?? Some of you always know exactly what to get kids and others always ask... what does she want? So, she is WAY into coloring (please get something not too messy for Mommy's sake), nailpolish, hairbows, make-up, twirly swirly things, tutus, jewelry (dress up please), Bitty Baby (from American Girls), princesses, the color purple and Playmobil. If you look to the right you can see a link to her Wish List. Target or Amazon gift cards are always welcome... she can put them together to get some of her bigger wishes!